
[Question/Improvement?] APU: DMC and Konami games

Opened this issue · 2 comments


During my tests with the NSF Player, i found that some Konami games songs was a bit muffled from what i remember (unfortunately i no longer have original hardware to compare). Comparing to other emulators (Mesen / FCEUX RetroArch core) and NSF Players (Audacious and Winamp/NotsoFatso) appears to be perhaps some agressive filtering on the DMC. Some of the games/NSFs that i noticed this behaviour were Contra, Super C, Jackal, TMNT2. I recorded a sample of the 'Boss Theme 1' of Jackal which have a lot of DMC effects to illustrate the case. What do you think? If possible, maybe an option to reduce or not the DMC popping sounds like the one in Mesen.


Hi @nelsonhef, now I'm working on something else, I'd like to release version 0.112 as soon as possible with all the fixes introduced, I'll take a look at it with version 0.113.

I like that you already have your mind set for a 0.113 release, great work!