
All assemblies in Nuget Package 0.1.4 are compiled against v4 runtime.

dynajoe opened this issue · 3 comments

I ran into this issue trying to include the package in my .net 35 code base.

My workaround: I cloned the source and ran Build.cmd and it provided the correct output in the .nupkg.

@joeandaverde fixed with v0.1.4.1

I have reproduced this bug with v0.1.4.1


  1. Create new WPF Appliation
  2. Set target framework to 3.5
  3. Run in PackageManagerConsole: Install-Package gong-wpf-dragdrop -Version
  4. Try to build solution
    Result: Solution build is failed, assembly packages\gong-wpf-dragdrop.\lib\net35\GongSolutions.Wpf.DragDrop.dll is compiled against runtime 4.0 (checked with dotPeek)

joeandaverde's workaraound still works

@alexeykuptsov it's now hopefully fixed with