
Can you please add these lines for AIX support?

senax opened this issue · 2 comments


we've got quite a few AIX servers and would love to use this module.

Could you please add this to params.pp?

'AIX': {
$config = '/etc/ntp.conf'
$keysfile = '/etc/ntp.keys'
$driftfile = '/etc/ntp.drift'
$package_name = [ 'bos.net.tcp.client' ]
$service_name = 'xntpd'
$servers = [
'0.debian.pool.ntp.org iburst',
'1.debian.pool.ntp.org iburst',
'2.debian.pool.ntp.org iburst',
'3.debian.pool.ntp.org iburst',



I can definitely add this for you but I'd like to propose you give it a shot adding this as a "pull request". You basically click fork on the main project page, make this change in your repository and run "rake spec" to make sure the tests still work. Once it works you then click "create pull request" and it makes a patch directly against our version of ntp.

If that's just not going to happen because I've filled you with horror, let me know and I can carry this on, it's just a direct PR is the easiest way to make sure this gets into the module. :)


The pull request is in the mail, I promise!
