
Module excercise5 not found in environment bolt

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When I try to run a task following this link: https://github.com/puppetlabs/tasks-hands-on-lab/tree/master/5-writing-tasks#write-your-first-task-in-bash I get the error in the title. Am I doing something wrong?

The shell script in relative path modules/exercise5/tasks/init.sh exists under my puppetconf directory.

lakshmi@50-204-120-225-static ~/puppetconf> bolt task run excercise5 message=ola --nodes,, --user root --password root --modules ./modules
Warning: Support for ruby version 2.0.0 is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. See https://docs.puppet.com/puppet/latest/system_requirements.html#ruby for a list of supported ruby versions.
   (at /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/bolt-0.5.1/vendored/puppet/lib/puppet.rb:134:in `<module:Puppet>')
/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/bolt-0.5.1/vendored/puppet/lib/puppet/info_service/task_information_service.rb:20:in `task_data': Module excercise5 not found in environment bolt. (Puppet::Module::MissingModule)


Hi @lakshmi-github. I think I know what the error is as I've done this a few times too. You have excercise spelt incorrectly, it should be exercise in the command. Note the extra c. Hopefully that gets you up and running.

Ah, thank you Gareth, that was it.
