
5-writing-tasks - Receive error "Puppet must be installed to execute tasks" when running

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The windows instructions do not work. It thinks puppet is not installed but it most certainly is.

C:\Source\tmp\tasks-hands-on-lab [master+4 ~0 -0 !]> be bolt task run excercise5::print message="W00t!!" --nodes winrm:// --user Administrator --Password Password1 --modules .\5-writing-tasks\modules
Puppet must be installed to execute tasks
C:\Source\tmp\tasks-hands-on-lab [master+4 ~0 -0 !]> puppet
See 'puppet help' for help on available puppet subcommands
C:\Source\tmp\tasks-hands-on-lab [master+4 ~0 -0 !]> puppet --version
C:\Source\tmp\tasks-hands-on-lab [master+4 ~0 -0 !]> be puppet --version
C:\Source\tmp\tasks-hands-on-lab [master+4 ~0 -0 !]>

This probably means you've build from source and not initialised the git submodules. Bolt vendors puppet and only uses its own version. Check the vendor directory in the bolt source dir. This shouldn't be an issue when the gem is published.

Yeah...took a lot to figure that out. Need to raise PR upstream for better docs as it is not obvious from the error what's going on.

Closing as there's nothing to do for this repo.