
macOS download links are incorrect

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Per https://github.com/puppetlabs/tasks-hands-on-lab/tree/master/01-installing-bolt, the download link for macOS 10.12 (at least) is incorrect. It points to bolt-latest.dmg, should be puppet-bolt-latest.dmg.

It looks like this issue also applies to the Windows downloads. For Debian/Ubuntu, it appears to be slightly more subtle - the commands will work, but won't install the latest version - the latest puppet-bolt package is version 0.21.2-1, but the latest bolt package is 0.19.1-1. I haven't checked SuSE/Redhat yet, but I suspect they will have similar issues.

If I get time, I'll update my pull request later today to reflect the package name change for all operating systems (it currently only covers the macOS packages).

Ah, we did update the package name to puppet-bolt everywhere, but forgot to update the instructions here. Sorry about that! Thanks for the PR!