
Change Iframe default title value

tourtools opened this issue · 4 comments

To be compliant with WCAG guidelines we need a way to modify the YT iframe title which is by default
title="YouTube video player"
when having two or more background video on the same page, the title duplication is noticed as an accessibility issue,
is there a solution?

@tourtools Hi, the iframe is injected by the YouTube API and it is not under the plugin control. At the time you can not modify it other than via javascript after the YTPlayer fires the onReady event:

onReady : function (player) { $(player.playerEl).attr("title", "YTPlayer_"+ (new Date().getTime())) }

thank you @pupunzi
it is a good workaround,
now I have to verify if siteimprove.com (the accessibility tools we are using) checks the DOM before or after .js are triggered,

If it gets the iframe then it means that it checks the DOM after the javascript runs because the iframe is injected by the javascript API

√ it works