
Peculiar error when saving .envrc

e-eight opened this issue · 3 comments


I am using this package, and have set it up as mentioned in the README. Whenever I try to write a .envrc file using Emacs, I get the error message "peculiar error" in the echo area, and I am unable to save the .envrc file. I can write the file normally using other editors, and then envrc properly loads the environment as mentioned in the .envrc file. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Odd! The envrc-file-mode is based on sh-mode, so it's worth checking to see if you get the same error simply by creating and writing a .sh file in the same directory. I'm guessing this is somehow related to a process that is triggered at save time for shell scripts, e.g. a flymake/flycheck check, or a reformatter.

Thanks! That worked. I use the format-all package, and it was trying to reformat the .envrc file but the sh reformatter was not installed.
