
blitzdb extension for flask

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status PyPi version

An extension to allow the integrated use of the blitzdb platform by Andreas Dewes

Currently this plugin only support 'FileBackend' backend.

Using flask-blitzdb

flask-blitzdb can be installed using pip

pip install flask-blitzdb

flask-blitzdb allows your Flask based application to interact with your blitzdb file based datastore.

import flask
from flask_blitzdb import BlitzDB

BLITZDB_DATABASE = r'./blitz_test.db'

app = flask.Flask(__name__)

db = BlitzDB(app)

via the db object you can now access your BlitzDB datastore

apps model:

from blitzdb import Document

class MyDocument(Document):

flask app:

def dbsave(name, one, two, three):
	conn = db.connection
	test_dict = {
		'name': name,
		'one': one,
		'two': two,
		'three': three
	test_doc = test_model.TestDoc(test_dict)
	if not len(db.filter(test_model.TestDoc, {})) => 1:

def get_one(name):
	conn = db.connection
	get_query = conn.get(test_model.TestDoc, {'name': name})
	if not len(get_query) == 1:

	return json.dumps(dict(get_query))

Configuring flask-blitzdb

flask-blitzdb can be configured in several ways. this allows flask-blitzdb to be able to perform in a wider range of application senarios.

Currently flask-blitzdb only supports blitzdb.FileBackend datastores, the path of this is defined through the config variable BLITZDB_DATABASE.

app.config[’BLITZDB_DATABASE’] = '/path/to/db'

By default flask-blitzdb will instansiate the transactions on your behalf using the app.before_request to create a transaction for your blitzdb datastore and app.teardown_appcontext to commit to the database.

This behaviour can be toggled using the folloing flask config variables:

  • BLITZDB_BEGIN is the flag to tell flask-blitzdb to handle commits for you enable:

      app.config[’BLITZDB_BEGIN’] = True


      app.config[’BLITZDB_BEGIN’] = False
  • BLITZDB_COMMIT is the flag for commit management enable:

      app.config[`BLITZDB_COMMIT`] = True


      app.config[`BLITZDB_COMMIT`] = False