
Library only works if browser integration is enabled?

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It appears that this library only works if the browser integration is enabled.

What software is involved?

  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Operating System: Linux Mint 21.1 (tested on this system too)
  • KeePassXC: 2.7.4
  • keepassxc-proxy-access: 1.2.1

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install a new instance of KeePassXC
  2. Open the database but do not change any settings
    2.1. Maybe check if in the database settings (Database -> Database settings -> Browser integration is disabled as it should show a banner OR Tools -> Settings -> Browser Integration and check if the first box (Enable browser integration) is unticked).
  3. Try to use this library

Expected Behavior

Library should connect without any problems.

Actual Behavior

(all other steps above in "Steps to Reproduce")
4. The connect method should not work and therefore nothing else



Relevant Log Output

No response

Anything else?

I don't know if this can really be fixed. Probably the best practice is to add it to the readme and troubleshoot.

Browser integration needs to be enabled in KeePassXC, as this is the interface this library uses to connect with and talk to KeePassXC. At least you need a way to communicate between not otherwise related processes or an application and library in this case.