
Integrate video.jsmpeg for MUX livestreaming

maxiannunziata opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi All,

I try integrate the plugin video.jsmpeg for add mux.com live videostreaming service.

I put the require in .manifest file

"name": "pureosd", "platforms": ["web", "webos", "tizen", "netcast", "orsay", "androidtv"], "requires": ["video.jsmpeg"], "properties": { "title": "pureosd",

Next: in my videoplayer block add the backend URL:

VideoPlayer { id: theBanner; width: 1920 s; height: "850"; z: 1; backend: "https://stream.mux.com/iSfX7XBMQ9Az01sA01ikbKe01WYim5WysBe4EzkgKYP01gs.m3u8"; autoPlay: false; backgroundImage: "res/vod/posters/theback.png"; }

When i compile the code, the debug chrome response is:

preferred backend: qml.app.js:4772 preferred backend: https://stream.mux.com/iSfX7XBMQ9Az01sA01ikbKe01WYim5WysBe4EzkgKYP01gs.m3u8 qml.app.js:728 on top changed callback failed: TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined at $core.Anchors.<anonymous> (qml.app.js:9373) at safeCallImpl (qml.app.js:388) at qml.app.js:392 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at _callOnChanged (qml.app.js:731) at PropertyStorage._globals.core.core.PropertyStoragePrototype.callOnChanged (qml.app.js:738) at PropertyStorage._globals.core.core.PropertyStoragePrototype.set (qml.app.js:717) at $core.Anchors.simpleSet [as top] (qml.app.js:828) at $src.HeaderDelegate.HeaderDelegatePrototype.$s (qml.app.js:3644)

iSfX7XBMQ9Az01sA01ikbKe01WYim5WysBe4EzkgKYP01gs (2).m3u8.txt

what am I doing wrong?

If you want to use another video player backend you should implement it first and place it in a separate directory (i.e. qmlcore/platform/video.jsmpeg). You must implement PureQML VideoPlayer API there then you can add it in the required section in the app manifest.
The second thing: you should pass a video URL to the source property instead of backend: VideoPlayer { source: "https://stream.mux.com/iSfX7XBMQ9Az01sA01ikbKe01WYim5WysBe4EzkgKYP01gs.m3u8"; }