
Upgrade to PureScript 0.9.1 and purescript-spec 0.8.0

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Upgrade to PureScript 0.9.1 and purescript-spec 0.8.0

This should probably now be shifted to purescript 0.10.x and purescript-spec 0.11.0

Yes, absolutely. I was meaning to release new versions of all the purescript-spec-* libraries, but wanted to wait for purescript-spec/purescript-spec#33 as it will be a breaking change. The plan is to release 1.0 of purescript-spec once that is done. But we could of course do an update here for purescript 0.10.x in the mean time. I'll get on it. :) Thanks!

No breaking change was needed (except for the effect-related one already released in 0.11.x) and all packages are released now, so I'm closing this.

Here are the versions:

  • purescript-spec-quickcheck 0.10.0
  • purescript-spec-mocha 0.4.0
  • purescript-spec-discovery 0.4.0
  • purescript-spec-reporter-xunit 0.3.1
  • purescript-spec 0.12.0


Note that purescript-spec is 0.12.0 now, although from a user point of view there should be no changes.