
Changes in nesting of `describe` causes unexpected changes in reporting

Closed this issue · 2 comments

main :: Effect Unit
main = Aff.launchAff_ do
  Runner.runSpec [ Reporter.consoleReporter ] do
    Spec.describe "A" do
      Spec.it "should be under A" (pure unit)
    Spec.describe "B" do
      Spec.describe "B-1" do
        Spec.it "should be under B-1" (pure unit)
    Spec.describe "C" do
      Spec.it "should be under C" (pure unit)

produces the following summary as expected

Running tests for package: spec-nested-describe-bug
  ✓︎ should be under A
B » B-1
  ✓︎ should be under B-1
  ✓︎ should be under C

3/3 tests passed

However, removing the Spec.describe "B-1" block

main :: Effect Unit
main = Aff.launchAff_ do
  Runner.runSpec [ Reporter.consoleReporter ] do
    Spec.describe "A" do
      Spec.it "should be under A" (pure unit)
    Spec.describe "B" do
      Spec.it "should be under B" (pure unit)
    Spec.describe "C" do
      Spec.it "should be under C" (pure unit)

the other top level blocks are collapsed so everything is under "A"

Running tests for package: spec-nested-describe-bug
  ✓︎ should be under A
  ✓︎ should be under B
  ✓︎ should be under C

3/3 tests passed

@pete-murphy thank you for the report, I'm looking into it.

Fix published in v7.5.5