
install.sh references non-existant image on quay.io

cprivitere opened this issue · 5 comments

The install.sh script for the operator-csi-plugin references the following:

However, the highest tagged image on quay.io/purestorage is:

Because of this, the operator-csi-plugin installer does not succeed. The pod it creates is forever stuck on trying to download an image that doesn't exist.

Hi @cprivite,

We haven't officially released our CSI drivers yet. The images that contain the CSI drivers are not pushed yet. This is just setting up the ground work for our release (hopefully soon).


Ok, would be nice if that was somehow made clear on the github page.

@pure-yesmat with the pure-csi commit on Tuesday, does that mean the CSI drivers are now released officially?

Yes. And we are cleaning up the docs as well.

That image is now in quay.io