
minimum Kubernetes version information

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Can you please state in the README whether or not there is a minimum version of Kubernetes that PSO will work with.

It is stated in the pure-k8s-plugin README and the operator README. We can do a better job of linking to these READMEs from the top-level README.

If you could do that, that would be most useful.

Hi there, if you are amending documentation please also fix the information on CSI status for Kubernetes versions.
CSI was alpha in 1.9 and beta in 1.10, now stable since 1.13.
Section https://github.com/purestorage/helm-charts/tree/master/pure-csi-plugin#additional-configuration-for-k8s-113 reports incorrect information

This is not what the document we link to, ie. https://kubernetes-csi.github.io/docs/csi-driver-object.html, says. The exact wording from that CSI documentation is:
Kubernetes 1.12 - 1.13: Alpha
Kubernetes 1.14: Beta
I do love a little conflict in the documentation, especially when both cited are each supposed to be 'sources of truth', although I do feel a blog is a little less 'truth' that the GitHub documentation for the actual driver. The joys of Open Source.

Sorry, my bad I misread the documentation here: CSIDriver is effectively alpha/beta as specified... while the whole CSI interface is instead as documented in the link I posted.
Sorry for the noise 😄

This has been resolved and the READMEs now cover minimum versions of software required