
pod anti affinity

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I would like to enable pod anti affinity so cockroach does not run on the same node.

This does not work:

  # nodeSelector is the simplest way to limit which kubernetes nodes will run the database-related pods
  # Please refer to the top-level description of nodeSelector for an example
  nodeSelector: {}
  # tolerations allows the database-related pods to run on tainted kubernetes nodes
  # Please refer to the top-level description of tolerations for an example
  tolerations: []
  # affinity provides more granular control of which kubernetes nodes will run the database-related pods
  # Please refer to the top-level description of affinity for an example
      - labelSelector:
        - key: app
          operator: In
          - cockroachdb
        topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"

The error I get:

user@laptop[~/repos$ helm install pure-pso pure/pure-pso -n pure-pso -f values.yaml Error: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: error validating "": error validating data: ValidationError(Deployment.spec.template.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution[0]): unknown field "matchExpressions" in io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodAffinityTerm

Does the helm chart support this option?