
Can't install librarian-puppet

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I git clone this repo, change in Vagrantfile to use "Puppetlabs Debian 6.0.7 x86_64, VBox 4.2.10" VM. vagrant up fails to install librarian-puppet with the following error:

==> default: ERROR:  Error installing librarian-puppet:
==> default:    activesupport requires Ruby version >= 1.9.3.
==> default: /tmp/vagrant-shell: 43: librarian-puppet: not found

Updating ruby on VM does not solve the problem (tried 2.1). Vagrant 1.6.3. Can you help me?

This looks like a problem when using the latest version of Librarian-puppet: rodjek/librarian-puppet#228.

I am surprised that upgrading Ruby on the guest does not solve the problem. I suggest you try that again and investigate why it isn't working; at the very least it should change the error message.

Alternatively, try fixing the version of librarian-puppet that gets installed to be <1.1.0. You should be able to change line 39 in main.sh to read:

gem install librarian-puppet -v 1.0.3

Installing 1.0.3 version solved the problem indeed. Thank you!