
Kubernetes Integration

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What will this give

  • Secrets end to end encrypted all the way to the cluster
  • Secrets updated in cloak are refreshed in the cluster
  • Secrets refreshed in cluster trigger deployments.


Look at

Cron Job PoC

tmpfile=$(mktemp /tmp/env.XXXXX) 
cloak env > $tmpfile 
kubectl create secret generic credentials  --dry-run=client  -o yaml --from-env-file $tmpfile
rm $tmpfile
  • Call CLI and dump to .env
  • Load via kubectl if it is different.

ESO and Sealed Secrets PoC

  • Install sealed secrets
  • Create a sealed secret - Raw mode (experimental)
  • Install ESO
  • Can ESO generate a sealad secret?

ESO and Mutating Webhook