
iOS 11 Native review, "Submit" is not selectable

viking2917 opened this issue ยท 10 comments

After installing the apprate plugin, and attempting native app review, the Submit button is not selectable and no rating can be submitted.

Using the following installation step:
cordova plugin add https://github.com/pushandplay/cordova-plugin-apprate.git

app code:

$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
   if(typeof AppRate !== 'undefined') {
       AppRate.preferences.storeAppURL = {
   	ios: '<my tag here>',
   	android: 'market://details?id=<my tag here>'


menu displays, I pick 4 out of 5 stars, and the submit button is greyed out and not selectable, as shown in screenshot.

Any idea what might be wrong?

This is Ionic V1, IOS 11
photo oct 11 11 20 26 am

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Update: I am a moron. I put the Bundle ID, not the App ID. To be fair Apple doesn't help, in developer.apple.com, what they call the "ID" is really the Bundle ID, and no other ID is listed. But iTunes Connect makes this clear.

Closing as "operator error".

Update: even with the right ID, the Submit button stays greyed out.

If I do, AppRate.preferences.inAppReview = false, it works OK - launches to the App Store, where a rating can be left.
But if I do AppRate.preferences.inAppReview = false, I get the greyed out submit button.

I'm not confident I have not made an error, but I think something is still wrong on iOS 11.


Facing the same issue. Any known workarounds?

@vivekpd15 the only workaround I found was to use:
AppRate.preferences.inAppReview = false
That launches the user to the App Store to review, which is much less convenient, but at least it's something.

It is only enabled after the app is downloaded from the app store.
During development, or even release build, it is grayed out.


@jmcrthrs Amazing. Thanks for this info.

Apple should be documenting such stuff. Gives devs a big pain.

@vivekpd15 - It's Apple. Users rave about Apple products...but I can never find a developer that raves about making apps for Apple. I loathe Apple....its like they go out of their way to make developing for them as difficult as humanly possible.

This issue should be included in documentation. Some people might find this confusing.

@josteph would happily accept a PR

Closing, documentation has been updated per #246