
[UIApplication registerForRemoteNotifications] must be used from main thread only

Opened this issue · 4 comments

When I am trying to run in Xcode 11, getting this error.
file:///Volumes/DATA/Projects/pushbots/sdks/ios-sdk/PushBots/Pushbots.m: runtime: UI API called from background thread: -[UIApplication registerForRemoteNotifications] must be used from main thread only

Is there any update?

Hi @rks123941 I've raised a flag and the team will be in touch. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks for your response. I am using pushbot for my 4 apps and everything good before but now I am facing issues with plugin and sometimes I didn't receive notifications. I have tried with one signal it seems good.

Hi @rks123941,
We're working to resolve this issue in the next update, will keep you updated ASAP.