Timeouts using Push Notification feature
kangaroosterussave opened this issue · 7 comments
Calling the Pusher notify method often (but not always) results in a timeout.
For example doing something like:
pusher = Pusher(app_id=app_id,
retry=5, # THE DEFAULT
ssl=False)pusher.notify([channel], notification)
Results in:
requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='nativepush-cluster1.pusher.com', > port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=1)
Any ideas?
Also, when I set the timeout to a large enough number (ie. timeout=60),
I'm getting HTTP Service Unavailable status code:
pusher.errors.PusherBadStatus: 503:
@kangaroosterus Hi there!
We're investigating availability issues with the Push Notification API. A fix is currently being developed and should hopefully resolve these issues soon.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
@kangaroosterus Are you still seeing these timeouts? We've made some changes to the backend which should hopefully have improved the situation.
I am seeing timeout exceptions like this:
requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='nativepush-cluster1.pusher.com', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=5)
Hi @tySwift93, we were experiencing some issues earlier today that could have caused this – though they should be resolved now. Are you still seeing the timeouts?
Not anymore, thank you
Closing because it appears this issue was resolved, and we are deprecating Push Notifications support in this library anyway.