
notification client does not respect json_encoder settings

popbones opened this issue · 2 comments

Currently when calling the notify method on a pusher client with custom JSON encoder specified, that json_encoder is not used by the underlying notification_client, which is pretty inconvenient.

The json_encoder is used when triggering events to encode the payload of each event as a string, which is then sent in the json body of the request itself. Only this payload is encoded by the json_encoder. For example, if we .trigger("c", "e", { "foo": "bar" }) then the json of the request is

{"name": "e", "channels": ["c"], "data": "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"}

Note that data is just a string – this is the only bit that gets touched by the json_encoder. The push notification API doesn't have this extra level of encoding, everything is just in the root JSON object. i.e. if we .trigger(["i"], { "foo": "bar" }) the body of the response is just

{"interests": ["i"], "foo": "bar"}

There's no double encoding.

That being said, what is your use case for using the json_encoder for the notify? It certainly might be worth us looking at utilising it regardless.

Closing because I think @callum-oakley's response explains the current state well, and there has been no more discussion.