
Uncaught You must pass your app key when you instantiate Pusher on Nextjs 13

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I got this error when i setup a pusher connection on client side
Uncaught You must pass your app key when you instantiate Pusher
my code:

 const pusher = new Pusher( process.env.PUSHER_KEY, {
      cluster : 'eu'

Have you ensured your app key is correctly configures under the PUSHER_KEY environment variable?

Have you ensured your app key is correctly configures under the PUSHER_KEY environment variable?

hi @benw-pusher yes I just checked again I't seems like is correclty configured


I found the error, I just forgot that on nextjs the .env variables are only available on the server side by default, so to make them available on the browser I just added NEXT_PUBLIC_ before the PUSHER_KEY key like this NEXT_PUBLIC_PUSHER_KEY