
Failed to resolve: com.pushtorefresh.storio3:sqlite:3.0.1

baudouxbenjamin opened this issue ยท 16 comments

It looks like the last version 3.0.1 has not been published since I got

Failed to resolve: com.pushtorefresh.storio3:sqlite:3.0.1
Failed to resolve: com.pushtorefresh.storio3:sqlite-annotations:3.0.1

when building my project.

Hi @baudouxbenjamin
Yes, there is an issue with gradle, gradle nexus staging plugin and travis

Hi! Any update about this?

Hi @juange87 !
Third party fix was published yesterday https://github.com/marcphilipp/nexus-publish-plugin
I will try it here

Any update on this?

any updates?

any updates?

Any updates here?

I need the androidx packages to be supported

Finally we have come to a solution: It is faster... a refactor removing Storio (and use Room) than wait a solution for this.

It seems i'm joking, but I'm not.

We want to continue with Storio, but we can not wait more.

We also move away from StorIO for SQLDelight.

Any updates?

Any updates?

So this is abandonware now? Great.

We have the same errors:
Failed to resolve: com.pushtorefresh.storio3:sqlite:3.0.1
Failed to resolve: com.pushtorefresh.storio3:sqlite-annotations:3.0.1

Version 3.0.0 is ok, but it is not support androidx and generate old package annotations ("android.support.annotation" instead "androidx.annotation")

How we can migrate to androidx with storio?

If you like me have this great maintainable library and can not fast migrate to room, I've published the fork of 3.0.1 storio, just change kapt "com.pushtorefresh.storio3:sqlite-annotations-processor:3.0.0" to kapt "com.github.justokay.storio:storio-sqlite-annotations-processor:v3.0.5".

If anyone is looking for the rest of artifacts based on 3.0.1, I've updated solution from @justokay a bit: https://github.com/stari4ek/storio/releases/tag/v3.0.6

maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
implementation 'com.github.stari4ek.storio:storio-content-resolver:v3.0.6'
implementation 'com.github.stari4ek.storio:storio-content-resolver-annotations:v3.0.6'
kapt 'com.github.stari4ek.storio:storio-content-resolver-annotations-processor:v3.0.6'