
🎄 Advent calendar ES6/2015

Closed this issue · 83 comments

kud commented


MoOx commented

let / const in one day imo, let is pretty useless.

I disagree, let is not pretty useless, its not just like var cf https://youtu.be/uL9uAAzkFmI?t=1661

MoOx commented
MoOx commented

I think one attribution at a time is cool. Let's prepare some posts :)

MoOx commented

/fr/articles/js/es2015/index.md for the listing + /fr/articles/js/es2015/*.md for all tiny posts.
We should deliver french post first and we can work on translation together.

MoOx commented

es201* btw ?

MoOx commented

Note: that might helps a little :) http://babeljs.io/docs/learn-es2015/

es6, fuck translations for now

Nice !
Would love to write something for template strings :)

I can try to write something too.

es2015 :D

Nice !
Would love to write something for template strings :)

done @jbleuzen

Volunteer ;) I'll take a late one (or many), so I get time to prepare as I never contributed before, any of those, your choice:

  • default params
  • async/await
  • Object.assign
  • object spread

If you can't choose, I'll take async/await 'cause I love it and there are tricks (beware series vs concurrent).

@naholyr assigned for async/await;)

MoOx commented

@Nyalab I update the desc since your post is out, so feel free to take another one ;)
I will try to take care of translations when an author don't have the time for it.

je me propose pour

  • Maps/WeakMaps
  • Sets/WeakSets
  • modules
MoOx commented

Let's make things simple, @naholyr and @bloodyowl I assigned you the post you asked for.
If someone wants to handle it before you did anything, let's just discuss about it here.

MoOx commented

@lionelB @jbleuzen @Uhsac @naholyr @bloodyowl feel free to ask/tell a date so we can organize quickly publications.

MoOx commented

I will try to make a nice calendar view for tomorrow morning.

I'd rather delay async/await after generators (makes it simpler to explain how a function can "idle"), but if not possible it's OK. Maybe delay it to 10+ so we can have a few more days to check if we can get the article about generators or not.

I expect first commits tomorrow.

MoOx commented

The order above is not relevant, I just moved assigned post at the top. So we will take at they come :)

I take classes

I'm on it but it's only a small draft for now, I think 4 december is too soon for me

MoOx commented

The order of the list is not the date :)
For now we have enough PR to not be in a hurry !

Cool list. There should be a subject dedicated to the iteration protocols too IMO as it's used by many of the other subjects listed above

MoOx commented

Thre is still one spot @ffesseler, do you want to take care of it ?

Deal :)

MoOx commented

Assigned :)

MoOx commented

FYI here is a PR for the calendar view #562

Je veux bien faire rest & spread, for of ou Symbols

Typo : Si vous voulez aideR, c'est par ici :D

MoOx commented

We have 2 posts in the pipe, so who can deliver one post for:

  • sunday 6
  • monday 7
  • thuesday 8
MoOx commented

@zoontek assigned for rest & spread

I'll probably write about for .. of in the iteration protocols article as they are directly related. Not sure they should be separated.

MoOx commented

@ffesseler make sense.

Started working on object spread and… there is literally nothing to say after Object.assign :/ I see two options:

  • Repeating the same article :P
  • Writing three lines to explain it's basically the same thing
  • Let the article on rest/spread include it, and add another topic, like:
    • Enhancement in RegEx
    • New String methods (my favorite, simple and useful)
    • Typed arrays

What do you think? Anyway, you can unassign me on this one while you decide, and assign me on generators. As it's pretty close to async/await I think it's logical to start with this one ;)

MoOx commented

Ok so I guess @zoontek will talk about object spread (and refer to Object.assign post).
@naholyr assigned for generators

MoOx commented

@ffesseler I merged for of and iterators protocol and assigned this to you.

Who will be able to deliver a post for sunday and the following days?

MoOx commented

I am going to translate and publish Object.assign post since post about classes is not ready yet.

I've planed to do so since I should have some spare time in train

Le 4 déc. 2015 à 07:38, Maxime Thirouin notifications@github.com a écrit :

@ffesseler I merged for of and iterators protocol and assigned this to you.

Who will be able to deliver a post for sunday and the following days?

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MoOx commented

Cool thanks !
Someone for monday? thuesday?

I think I can be ready for monday.

I'll have a few posts ready during the week-end

MoOx commented

There is no more PR atm, so we will need more posts. @bloodyowl, feel free to push you draft(s) so we can improve it together :)

I should be able to make a PR before tomorrow evening

MoOx commented

@ffesseler do you want to handle another post about for..of ?

I am going to handle fat-arrow for friday (since we have post for tomorrow and the day after).
Is anyone going to prepare some posts for saturday/sunday? @bloodyowl maybe?

Note: I did not write any post yet because I handle of the translations in english :)

Note: I did not write any post yet because I handle of the translations in english :)


Je vais préparer les nouvelles méthodes de prototype

MoOx commented

No more PR are awaiting for this weekend, I will try to handle fat arrow post but not sure I will be able to take the time for it.
New PR are welcome :)

Can someone tell me what is "new prototype methods" ?
Does it means new String and Array methods available with ES6 (for example) ? Or is it something related with __proto__?
I could write and learn something on these subjects :)

MoOx commented

I think @lionelB just said he would handle this post... :/

@jbleuzen What I've in mind was String / Array / Object new method available with es6

Oh f*** didn't see that... It was just 2 posts before. :/

I'll take Decorator, really looks like Java decorator :P

No pb :) Decorators are yours (I've updated the list accordingly)

MoOx commented

@jbleuzen from what I understand, decorators are not in ES6 and it seems they won't be in ES7 so, be aware of that ;)

@MoOx Yes I saw Decorators are mentionned for ES7... Is it still in scope then ?

MoOx commented

Not sure but I am not the boss here ^^

MoOx commented

I think we should focus on ES6 first, and if we run out of subjects, we can handle ES6+ ?

I'll try to write async/await by the week-end but I really can't guarantee
anything earlier than monday night

On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 2:45 PM Maxime Thirouin notifications@github.com

I think we should focus on ES6 first, and if we run out of subjects, we
can handle ES6+ ?

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#553 (comment)

MoOx commented

Later are better than never ^^, don't worry, you already wrote a lot @naholyr <3

MoOx commented

We are only 2 day late, I was thinking it would have been worst :)
Thanks for everyone involved in this !

J'veux bien essayer de vous faire un draft pour le for..of, j'ai vu qu'il n'y avait pas de preneur encore. J'commence en français et j'ferai éventuellement la traduction en anglais dans un second temps si ça vous convient.

I'm ok to make a draft for the for..of article. I've not seen any takers for the moment. I'll begin with the french version and I'll eventually translate it to english then if you're ok.

Les proxy ! Les proxy !
Je peux le faire si personne ne s'y met, mais je ne peux l'écrire que la semaine prochaine. Lundi ?
Reflect peut rentrer dans le même mouvement vu que c'est très lié.

I meant I can do an article on proxies. Perhaps Monday?

Je peux faire un truc sur les symboles au besoin.

MoOx commented

@DavidBruant assigned on proxy !
@divarvel assigned on symbols !

No need to hurry, better late than never :)


MoOx commented

@Freezystem assigned on for..of

Article is on the way ! I'll try to finish asap and send the PR right after. Do you want me to translate it to english before or after you review the article ?

MoOx commented

As you want.

m'key I'll decide when I'll be done with the french one.

Juste pour tenir au courant, j'ai commencé le draft. Pas sûr que j'aurais fini ce soir. Demain me parait plus plausible. L'article sera un peu long (les proxies, c'est un peu balourd, mon style d'écriture peut-être un peu aussi).

MoOx commented
MoOx commented

Thanks for all the contributions.
Only 6 items left. We can make it.
@bloodyowl @jbleuzen any update for your posts?
Anyone wants to handle another post?

I will try to work on translations (there is some to be done).

MoOx commented

I will work on post about babel (we don't have any yet) for the 24th.

MoOx commented

I will try to handle some missing translations, but I don't think we will succeed to get 6 posts...
Should we consider it's done and accept the unfinished calendar?
Maybe we can edit the calendar view to say we won't finish this?

Sorry, I had no time to try to write anything about my post.
And I think that calendar should be closed with a small conclusion… It's hard to last 25 days without some preparation.

i can take one, but people should do their part, just try to finish the damn thing, @bloodyowl @jbleuzen, are you still good for finishing your posts?

MoOx commented

Pressure is unnecessary and doesn't help.
If someone want to write => PR,
if someone doesn't, no big deal. Anyway finishing an advent calendar in january is a joke.
We should just admit (even if we have lot of good post) that it's not finished.
Next time we should prepare ourselves.

i do not want to put pressure, i'm just asking because their names are next to the post names, i think this would be a good thing to finish what we started (like kylo ren said), else we should not be very proud of it

MoOx commented

My 2 cents: we should admit the failure now instead of doing it in a month or two.

imho it's a kind of disrespect for each author that put work in this project not to finish it, but i would like to have the thoughts of others on it (including non-staff members of course if you want)

I'm finishing my two post tonight anyway

imho it's a kind of disrespect for each author that put work in this project not to finish it, but i would like to have the thoughts of others on it (including non-staff members of course if you want)

I don't feel disrespected at all. 18 quality posts is already a good performance for something started literally on Dec 1st. 18 the first time with no preparation is a good sign that next year 25 will be doable if not easy.

Let say that the idea was great but comes pretty late. Tomorrow will be another day. I'm glad that everything not run as expected cause without that I could not have wrote my article and join this great project. I personally not feel any kind of disrespect as I'm sure everyone has done his best to provide great content, but I'll be a bit disappointed if this calendar stay incomplete as I'm constantly referring to these posts when I have a blank or when I want to clarify my understanding about a new feature.

Better late than never.

Hope someone will take the time to finish what was started.
👍 Great Job everyone by the way.

MoOx commented

The joke has gone on long enough, closing.

Reminder: huge thanks to every single contributors. You will gain full write access to this repo really soon, and remember that you can make a PR every time you feel the need if you want to share something :).