SANBI Projects Service

The Projects Service limits creation of projects to certain groups through Ego authorization. Project creation allows the project administrator to provide the details and, crucially, the group for a project.

Get Started

docker-compose up --build
docker exec -it app bash
flask db init
flask db migrate -m "Run migrations"
flask db upgrade

Should be accessible on http://localhost:5000 Swagger is available at: http://localhost:5000/swagger/

UI Sandbox

A basic React App to interact with the API

cd ui

yarn dev

Shoud be accessible on http://localhost:1234

JWT Token

Projects Service's currently uses its own cookie - this will be replaced with the one from Ego later, but can currently be generated through the UI.

A valid JWT from Ego is still needed (to call groups endpoint) and needs to be manually added as EGOJWT cookie