
Errors creating pvpgn 2.26

BinaryNebula opened this issue · 1 comments

Getting an error before the Visual Studio build regarding a CMake error. Running Windows 10. Tried modifying the CMake application in the tools folder to under Windows Vista Compatibility mode, like D2 requires, with no luck. The D2gs builder works fine, having issues with the Build_pvpgn batch file.

CMake Error: The source directory "C:/Users/MyUser/Desktop/Builder/source" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.

Seems to fail no matter what choices I make even default ones. I selected no to replace latest pvpgn source from git, but have selected Y in previous attempts to make sure I wasn't missing important files. It also fails with or without database support. Tried with MySQL and PostgreSQL.

[ U P D A T E ]_____
Checking for update ...
"v2.26" is your version
"v2.26" is the latest version

You have the latest PvPGN Magic Builder

[ S E T U P ]_____
"Visual Studio 15 2017" is selected as a build environment

Do you want to download/replace the latest PvPGN source from Git (into "source" directory)?
PvPGN source code will not be updated

Select PvPGN interface:

  1. Console (defaut)
  2. GUI

Select a number
Set PvPGN interface as Console

Select a database type:

  1. Plain / CDB (default)
  2. MySQL
  3. PostgreSQL
  4. SQLite3
  5. ODBC

Select a number
PvPGN will be built without database support

Enable Lua scripting support?
PvPGN will be compiled without Lua

[ P V P G N S O U R C E C O D E]____

[ C M A K E C O N F I G U R E ]____
Visual Studio Locator version 2.3.2+gf154130015 [query version]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

instanceId: 00eed39d
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catalog_buildBranch: d15.9
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catalog_id: VisualStudio/15.9.2+28307.108
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catalog_manifestName: VisualStudio
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properties_setupEngineFilePath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installershell.exe
The system cannot find the file specified.
'cmake.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

CMake Error: The source directory "C:/Users/myuser/Desktop/Builder/source" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.
Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.

[ B U I L D W I T H V I S U A L S T U D I O ]____

CMake configuration failed

[ C O M P L E T E ]_______

The Builder updated to support Visual Studio 2019, it should work now.