
LYWSD03MMC B1.6 device works fine with BT but not Zigbee

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I have 4 LYWSD03MMC B1.6s. Three of them work fine with this Zigbee firmware. But one of them simply refuses to join my Zigbee network (using ZHA). It works fine when I flash (by UART) the custom BT firmware (from https://github.com/pvvx/ATC_MiThermometer).

I have no idea how to debug this.. Any advice appreciated. Thanks.

I encountered that the device did not work when battery power low at 2.8-2.85V. Try installing a new battery.

@angelsl same here, out of 7 devices I have one that works with BT, but no matter what zigbee firmware and how many times I flash (OTA or UART, devbis or pvvx) it just won't connect to my zigbee controller. Other 6 devices work flawlessly. Tried with multiple new batteries (I switched to Duracell as the random chinese batteries are very weak and unstable in voltage).

Mine is version B2.0 (same as the other 6pcs)

pvvx commented

Check the MAC address. 3 MAC bytes are randomly selected (for Zigbee - 5 bytes random.).
You can change the MAC in the BLE firmware.
After erasing all Flash, a new MAC will be set.
Flash has correction records for quartz and others. And if they are knocked down, it is better to erase all Flash and then write a new program.

Thanks for pointing this out, unfortunately I'm not sure it applies here - for UART flashing I'm using a RPi GPIO TTL and your python programming script TLSR825xComFlasher.py.

Everytime I flash a thermometer through UART I first choose 'ea' - erase all function and afterwards I write the firmware. It is true that it helped me resolve pairing issues with few of the already working devices, but this one still resists. Already flashed ~10 times with ea first.