
TS0201 by _TZ3000_0s1izerx - No OTA image is available in ZHA

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I have TS0201 temperature/humidity sensor, but it is round one, not rectangular. It reports:

TS0201 by _TZ3000_0s1izerx
IEEE: a4:c1:38:b4:55:3f:82:f9
manufacturer_code: 4417
image_type: 54179
current_file_version: 70

While TS0201 firmware in this repo has "imageType": 529,, which is, i guess, the reason ZHA refuses to upload firmware.

Question - are these actually different sensors and forcing ZHA to upload it will brick it, or it is just all the same with just different image_type?

For the reference - this is the type of sensor I have :


pvvx commented

manufacturer_code: 4417 -> 0x1141
image_type: 54179 -> 0xDAD3
current_file_version: 70 -> 0x0046

OTA file: 1141-d3a3-01983001-TS0201z_v0121.zigbee


Thanks! ZHA picked it up!

ps: just small correction for someone else looking for it later

instead of

image_type: 54179 -> 0xDAD3

meant to be:

image_type: 54179 -> 0xD3A3

And I think it semi-bricked itself after the update, so just FYI if anyone will be looking into doing it. Will keep tinkering with it.


when pressing button, red led lights up, but very dim. when holding for 7 seconds to re-pair, red led lights up solid, but again dim, and after a few seconds turns off. ZHA can't find it so far.

It does (dimly) blinks every few seconds. So I guess it does something.

Opened it up. Looks like there is no ISP header. I wonder if I can connect directly to ZTU board instead to flash it with USB-TTL programmer?


pvvx commented

when pressing button, red led lights up, but very dim. when holding for 7 seconds to re-pair, red led lights up solid, but again dim, and after a few seconds turns off. ZHA can't find it so far.

This is a normal reaction: reset the settings and pairing.

It does (dimly) blinks every few seconds. So I guess it does something.

Indication that there is no pairing.

After pairing, it flashes quickly several times.

pvvx commented

Opened it up. Looks like there is no ISP header. I wonder if I can connect directly to ZTU board instead to flash it with USB-TTL programmer?
