
Real world application build with node for backend and React/redux in the frontend, with user authentication (jwt from scratch), notifiers, ES6 sintaxis (arrow functions, destructuring)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Site Management Web App

This is a MERN stack application for RUNA technical challenge. It is a small app that includes user authentication, user profiles, user access report and site in/outs management and reports for the admin users.

Quick Start

# change default.json file in config folder

# this file is located in config/default.json

# add uri of your mongodb connection for example

 "mongoURI": "mongodb://localhost/dev-social",

# Install server dependencies
npm install

# Install client dependencies
cd client
npm install

# Run both Express & React from root
npm run dev

# Run unit tests
npm run test

# Build for production
cd client
npm run build

App Info


Pedro Alvarado

