
eclipse oxygen chrash at startup with your connector. "Invalid username/password/private token combination"

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I installed your plugin via the eclipse marketplace. I added the ca from our gitlab server to my jvm and configured the connection. Everything works fine until the next restart. I got an update hint in eclipse and restarted my Eclipse Oxygen. Then I got a java.lang.Error: de.weingardt.mylyn.gitlab.core.exceptions.GitlabException: Invalid username/password/private token combination exception. My credentials are ok and not wrong, because I worked before the restart with this credentials.

To prevent a eclipse new install, you can uninstall the plugin with:
eclipse -data /tmp/ws -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -uninstallIU

Same here with all recent Eclipse versions since 2019:
The connector just keeps forgetting the credentials. Looks like an issue with the secure storage.