
Debian adopts PEP 668

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi everyone,

Recently Debian adopts PEP 668 and is not possible to install pip applications because externally-managed-environment, trying to install spotify-cli-linux, all the dependencies like lyricwikia use pip to be installed.

Do you know some solution different to make a venv and has this permanently activate?

Thank you.

I'm not using Debian, so I cannot test it. If you have problems with pip or cannot use it, you can alternatively install it without pip like I described in the

git clone
cd spotify-cli-linux
sudo cp spotifycli/ /usr/local/bin/spotifycli

If your system keeps globally available user scripts somewhere else than /usr/local/bin/, then you need to update path in the commands above.

Lyricwikia is used just for the command for gathering song lyrics. If you are not using this function, you won't need this dependency.

If you encounter errors related to this dependency, then probably you will need to install it somehow in your system or alternatively modify the script a little bit just for yourself to remove it (this function: and this import and it should work fine.