
Incorrect handling of Cmd on macOS

Opened this issue · 2 comments

On GitLab by @kirelagin on Jun 23, 2019, 23:57

On macOS the standard shortcut for switching the keyboard layout is Cmd+Space. Also, in general, most shortcuts use Cmd instead of Ctrl. However, zathura seems to ignore Cmd completely. Therefore, there are two issues:

  1. (Quite major). It is impossible to switch the keyboard layout while in zathura: when I press Cmd+Space, the keyboard layout does not get changed, instead the page is scrolled. This is especially annoying, given that keyboard mappings do not work with non-latin keyboard layouts, so, if I happen to switch to a zathura window with a non-latin layout active, I have to switch back to another window and change the layout there.
  2. (Minor). It would be better, in terms of UX, to replace Ctrl with Cmd in all shortcuts on macOS. I think this is what most cross-platform apps do.

On GitLab by @kirelagin on Jun 24, 2019, 24:01

I have just checked how Gimp handles these.

1 is an issue in it as well.

Regarding 2, there are no shortcuts with Ctrl, all of them have Cmd. Also, there are no “traditional” macOS shortcuts (e.g. Cmd+, for Preferences), so, I suppose, they just replace Ctrl with Cmd in Linux shortcuts.

I have no way to test on macOS, so tested PRs welcome.