
Unable to map a binding more than one key with Special keys

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am unable to map a binding that include a Special key, such as <Space>, with another key.

# Doesn't work
unmap <Space>
map <Space>w follow
# Works
map ee follow

@YasserKa Currently this is not supported. The key parsing algorithm needs to be reworked in order to handle this. Right now, if you do

map <Space>w follow

Zathura will register as the string sequence "<Space>w" and not as the Space key and the w key. You can try to type the sequence in and see that the follow function does indeed get called :)

Edit: forgot to mention, this is a problem with girara and not with zathura itself

Thank you for the clarification. I will close the issue, since the problem isn't with Zathura.