This plugin was developed for ST2 by BluePlanet. Just porting it to ST3 hereand adding some new features.
- Only supports OS X, linux
- You must start the
Sublime Text 3
from the terminal (or configure octopress_cmd_before_rake in your settings)
Just open "Package Control: Install Package" in Command Palette and search for "octopress"
Clone or copy this repository into your Packages
- OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/
- Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/
And change the setting to your env (Accessible via Preferences > Package Settings > Octopress > Settings - User)
// path to your octopress
"octopress_path": "/you_octopress_path",
// command to run before calling rake, eg source ~/.bash_profile to set up your local environment inc paths to ruby, rake etc.
"octopress_cmd_before_rake" : "source ~/.bash_profile",
// set to generate, deploy or generate_and_deploy if you wish to have your changes generated into the /public folder and/or deployed upon file save
"octopress_onsave_action": "",
// true or false
"use_bundle": false
For Rbenv or RVM
// If you use zsh, you can set to "/bin/zsh"
"octopress_shell_executable": "/bin/bash",
// If you use zsh, you can set to "source ~/.zshrc"
"octopress_cmd_before_rake" : "source ~/.bash_profile",
In the case of an error, please see the RVM or Rbenv errors
You can execute following commands of octopress
with command_palette
- new_post
- edit_existing_post
- new_page
- edit_existing_page
- generate
- deploy
- gen_deploy
- preview
- isolate (current post)
- integrate
You can enable auto-generate or auto-deploy by setting the octopress_onsave_action
variable to "generate" or "generate_and_deploy". This will only trigger if the file you're saving is inside your octopress_path
- Update schema of package.json to Ver 2.0.
- Added "Isolate" and "Integrate" support
- Added "Preview" support
- Bug fix
- Add
- Add auto generate (and or deploy)
- Add find and edit existing pages/posts
- Add setting menu
- Add