Gaze deeply into unknown regions using the power of the moon.
is a highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists. Built on the latest
awesome features from neovim
core. Telescope is centered around
modularity, allowing for easy customization.
Community driven built-in pickers, sorters and previewers.
- Getting Started
- Usage
- Customization
- Mappings
- Pickers
- Sorters
- Previewers
- Themes
- Extensions
- Media
- Gallery
- Configuration recipes
- Contributing
This section should guide to run your first built-in pickers 😄.
Neovim Nightly (0.5)
is required for telescope.nvim
to work.
- sharkdp/bat (preview)
- sharkdp/fd (finder)
- BurntSushi/ripgrep (finder)
- nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter (finder/preview)
- neovim LSP (picker)
- devicons (icons)
Using vim-plug
Plug 'nvim-lua/popup.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
Using dein
call dein#add('nvim-lua/popup.nvim')
call dein#add('nvim-lua/plenary.nvim')
call dein#add('nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim')
Using packer.nvim
use {
requires = {{'nvim-lua/popup.nvim'}, {'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'}}
Try the command :Telescope find_files<cr>
to see if telescope.nvim
is installed correctly.
" Find files using Telescope command-line sugar.
nnoremap <leader>ff <cmd>Telescope find_files<cr>
nnoremap <leader>fg <cmd>Telescope live_grep<cr>
nnoremap <leader>fb <cmd>Telescope buffers<cr>
nnoremap <leader>fh <cmd>Telescope help_tags<cr>
" Using lua functions
nnoremap <leader>ff <cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin').find_files()<cr>
nnoremap <leader>fg <cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin').live_grep()<cr>
nnoremap <leader>fb <cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin').buffers()<cr>
nnoremap <leader>fh <cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin').help_tags()<cr>
See built-in pickers for the list of all built-in functions.
This section should help you explore available options to configure and
customize your telescope.nvim
Unlike most vim plugins, telescope.nvim
can be customized either by applying
customizations globally or individual pre picker.
- Global Customization affecting all pickers can be done through the
method (see defaults below) - Individual Customization affecting a single picker through passing
built-in pickers (e.g.builtin.fd(opts)
) see Configuration recipes wiki page for ideas.
As an example of using the setup()
method, the following code configures
to its default settings.
defaults = {
vimgrep_arguments = {
prompt_position = "bottom",
prompt_prefix = ">",
initial_mode = "insert",
selection_strategy = "reset",
sorting_strategy = "descending",
layout_strategy = "horizontal",
layout_defaults = {
-- TODO add builtin options.
file_sorter = require'telescope.sorters'.get_fuzzy_file,
file_ignore_patterns = {},
generic_sorter = require'telescope.sorters'.get_generic_fuzzy_sorter,
shorten_path = true,
winblend = 0,
width = 0.75,
preview_cutoff = 120,
results_height = 1,
results_width = 0.8,
border = {},
borderchars = { '─', '│', '─', '│', '╭', '╮', '╯', '╰'},
color_devicons = true,
use_less = true,
set_env = { ['COLORTERM'] = 'truecolor' }, -- default { }, currently unsupported for shells like cmd.exe / powershell.exe
file_previewer = require'telescope.previewers', -- For buffer previewer use `require'telescope.previewers'`
grep_previewer = require'telescope.previewers', -- For buffer previewer use `require'telescope.previewers'`
qflist_previewer = require'telescope.previewers', -- For buffer previewer use `require'telescope.previewers'`
-- Developer configurations: Not meant for general override
buffer_previewer_maker = require'telescope.previewers'.buffer_previewer_maker
To embed the above code snippet in a .vim
(for example in after/plugin/telescope.nvim.vim
wrap it in lua << EOF code-snippet EOF
lua << EOF
-- ...
Keys | Description | Options |
prompt_position |
Where the prompt should be located. | top/bottom |
prompt_prefix |
What should the prompt prefix be. | string |
initial_mode |
The initial mode when a prompt is opened. | insert/normal |
sorting_strategy |
Where first selection should be located. | descending/ascending |
layout_strategy |
How the telescope is drawn. | supported layouts |
winblend |
How transparent is the telescope window should be. | NUM |
layout_defaults |
Layout specific configuration ........ TODO | TODO |
width |
preview_cutoff |
results_height |
results_width |
borderchars |
The border chars, it gives border telescope window | dict |
color_devicons |
Whether to color devicons or not | boolean |
use_less |
Whether to use less with bat or less/cat if bat not installed | boolean |
set_env |
Set environment variables for previewer | dict |
scroll_strategy |
How to behave when the when there are no more item next/prev | cycle, nil |
file_previewer |
What telescope previewer to use for files. | Previewers |
grep_previewer |
What telescope previewer to use for grep and similar | Previewers |
qflist_previewer |
What telescope previewer to use for qflist | Previewers |
Keys | Description | Options |
buffer_previewer_maker |
How a file gets loaded and which highlighter will be used. Extensions will change it | function |
Keys | Description | Options |
file_sorter |
The sorter for file lists. | Sorters |
generic_sorter |
The sorter for everything else. | Sorters |
vimgrep_arguments |
The command line argument for grep search ... TODO. | dict |
selection_strategy |
What happens to the selection if the list changes. | follow/reset/row |
file_ignore_patterns |
Pattern to be ignored { "scratch/.*", "%.env"} |
dict |
shorten_path |
Whether to shorten paths or not. | boolean |
Mappings are fully customizable. Many familiar mapping patterns are setup as defaults.
Mappings | Action |
<C-n>/<Down> |
Next item |
<C-p>/<Up> |
Previous item |
j/k |
Next/previous (in normal mode) |
<CR> |
Confirm selection |
<C-x> |
go to file selection as a split |
<C-v> |
go to file selection as a vsplit |
<C-t> |
go to a file in a new tab |
<C-u> |
scroll up in preview window |
<C-d> |
scroll down in preview window |
<C-c> |
close telescope |
<Esc> |
close telescope (in normal mode) |
To see the full list of mappings, check out lua/telescope/mappings.lua
the default_mappings
Much like built-in pickers, there are a number of actions you can pick from to remap your telescope buffer mappings or create a new custom action:
-- Built-in actions
local transform_mod = require('').transform_mod
-- or create your custom action
local my_cool_custom_action = transform_mod({
x = function()
print("This function ran after another action. Prompt_bufnr: " .. prompt_bufnr)
-- Enter your function logic here. You can take inspiration from lua/telescope/actions.lua
To remap telescope mappings and make them apply to all pickers:
local actions = require('telescope.actions')
-- Global remapping
defaults = {
mappings = {
i = {
-- To disable a keymap, put [map] = false
-- So, to not map "<C-n>", just put
["<c-x>"] = false,
-- Otherwise, just set the mapping to the function that you want it to be.
["<C-i>"] = actions.goto_file_selection_split,
-- Add up multiple actions
["<CR>"] = actions.goto_file_selection_edit +,
-- You can perform as many actions in a row as you like
["<CR>"] = actions.goto_file_selection_edit + + my_cool_custom_action,
n = {
["<esc>"] = actions.close
["<C-i>"] = my_cool_custom_action,
For a picker specific remapping, it can be done by setting
its attach_mappings
key to a function, like this
local actions = require('telescope.actions')
-- Picker specific remapping
require('telescope.builtin').fd({ -- or new custom picker's attach_mappings field:
attach_mappings = function(prompt_bufnr)
-- This will replace goto_file_selection_edit no mather on which key it is mapped by default
local entry = actions.get_selected_entry()
-- Code here
-- You can also enhance an action with pre and post action which will run before of after an action
actions.goto_file_selection_split:enhance ({
pre = function()
-- Will run before actions.goto_file_selection_split
post = function()
-- Will run after actions.goto_file_selection_split
-- Or replace for all commands: edit, new, vnew and tab
actions._goto_file_selection:replace(function(_, cmd)
print(cmd) -- Will print edit, new, vnew or tab depending on your keystroke
return true
Built-in functions. Ready to be bound to any key you like. 😄
:lua require'telescope.builtin'.planets{}
:nnoremap <Leader>pp :lua require'telescope.builtin'.planets{}
Functions | Description |
builtin.find_files |
Lists Files in current directory. |
builtin.git_files |
Lists Git files in current directory. |
builtin.grep_string |
Searches for a string under the cursor in current directory. |
builtin.live_grep |
Searches in current directory files. (respecting .gitignore) |
Functions | Description |
builtin.buffers |
Lists Open buffers in the current vim instance. |
builtin.oldfiles |
Lists Previously open files. |
builtin.commands |
Lists Available plugin/user commands and run it. |
builtin.tags |
Lists Tags in current directory with preview (ctags -R) |
builtin.command_history |
Lists Commands previously ran and run it on enter. |
builtin.help_tags |
Lists Available help tags and open help document. |
builtin.man_pages |
Lists Man entries. |
builtin.marks |
Lists Markers and their value. |
builtin.colorscheme |
Lists Colorscheme and switch to it on enter. |
builtin.quickfix |
Lists items from quickfix. |
builtin.loclist |
Lists items from current window's location list. |
builtin.vim_options |
Lists vim options and on enter edit the options value. |
builtin.registers |
Lists vim registers and edit or paste selection. |
builtin.autocommands |
Lists vim autocommands and go to their declaration. |
builtin.spell_suggest |
Lists spelling suggestions for . |
builtin.keymaps |
Lists normal-mode mappings. |
builtin.filetypes |
Lists all filetypes. |
builtin.highlights |
Lists all highlights. |
builtin.current_buffer_fuzzy_find |
Searches in current buffer lines. |
builtin.current_buffer_tags |
Lists Tags in current buffer. |
.................................. | Your next awesome picker function here :D |
Functions | Description |
builtin.lsp_references |
Searches in LSP references. |
builtin.lsp_document_symbols |
Searches in LSP Document Symbols in the current document. |
builtin.lsp_workspace_symbols |
Searches in LSP all workspace symbols. |
builtin.lsp_code_actions |
Lists LSP action to be trigged on enter. |
builtin.lsp_range_code_actions |
Lists LSP range code action to be trigged on enter. |
.................................. | Your next awesome picker function here :D |
Functions | Description |
builtin.git_commits |
Lists git commits with diff preview and on enter checkout the commit. |
builtin.git_bcommits |
Lists buffer's git commits with diff preview and checkouts it out on enter. |
builtin.git_branches |
Lists all branches with log preview and checkout action. |
builtin.git_status |
Lists current changes per file with diff preview and add action. (Multiselection still WIP) |
.................................. | Your next awesome picker function here :D |
Functions | Description |
builtin.treesitter |
Lists Function names, variables, from Treesitter! |
.................................. | Your next awesome picker function here :D |
Functions | Description |
builtin.planets |
Use the telescope. |
builtin.builtin |
Lists Built-in pickers and run them on enter. |
builtin.reloader |
Lists lua modules and reload them on enter. |
builtin.symbols |
Lists symbols inside a file data/telescope-sources/*.json found in your rtp. More info and symbol sources can be found here |
.................................. | Your next awesome picker function here :D |
Previewers | Description |
---|---| |
Default previewer for files. Uses cat /bat | |
Default previewer for grep and similar. Uses cat /bat | |
Default previewer for qflist. Uses cat /bat | |
Experimental previewer for files. Uses vim buffers | |
Experimental previewer for grep and similar. Uses vim buffers | |
Experimental previewer for qflist. Uses vim buffers |
.................................. | Your next awesome previewer here :D |
By default, telescope.nvim uses cat
for preview. However after telescope's new experimental previewers
are stable this will change. The new experimental previewers use tree-sitter and vim buffers, provide much
better performance and are ready for daily usage, but there might be cases where it can't detect a Filetype
correctly, thus leading to wrong highlights. This is because we can't determine the filetype in the traditional way
(we don't do bufload
. We read the file async with vim.loop.fs_
and attach only a highlighter), because we can't
execute autocommands, otherwise the speed of the previewer would slow down considerably.
If you want to configure more filetypes take a look at
plenary wiki.
If you want to configure the vim_buffer_
previewer, e.g. you want the line to wrap do this:
autocmd User TelescopePreviewerLoaded setlocal wrap
Sorters | Description |
sorters.get_fuzzy_file |
Telescope's default sorter for files |
sorters.get_generic_fuzzy_sorter |
Telescope's default sorter for everything else |
sorters.get_levenshtein_sorter |
Using Levenshtein distance algorithm (don't use :D) |
sorters.get_fzy_sorter |
Using fzy algorithm |
sorters.fuzzy_with_index_bias |
Used to list stuff with consideration to when the item is added |
.................................. | Your next awesome sorter here :D |
A Sorter
is called by the Picker
on each item returned by the Finder
. It
return a number, which is equivalent to the "distance" between the current
and the entry
returned by a finder
Common groups of settings can be set up to allow for themes. We have some built in themes but are looking for more cool options.
Themes | Description |
themes.get_dropdown |
A list like centered list. dropdown |
... | Your next awesome theme here :D |
To use a theme, simply append it to a built-in function:
nnoremap <Leader>f :lua require'telescope.builtin'.find_files(require('telescope.themes').get_dropdown({}))<cr>
" Change an option
nnoremap <Leader>f :lua require'telescope.builtin'.find_files(require('telescope.themes').get_dropdown({ winblend = 10 }))<cr>
or use with command:
Telescope find_files theme=get_dropdown
Themes should work with every telescope.builtin
function. If you wish to
make theme, check out lua/telescope/themes.lua
Telescope provides the capabilties to create & register extensions, which improve telescope in a variety of ways.
Some extensions provide integration with external tools, outside of the scope of builtins
. Others provide performance
enhancements by using compiled C and interfacing directly with Lua.
- telescope-fzy-native.nvim - Native FZY sorter that uses compiled C to do the matching
- telescope-dap.nvim -
integration - telescope-packer.nvim - A Telescope extension that provides extra functionality for Packer.nvim
- telescope-github.nvim - Integration with github cli
- telescope-vimspector.nvim - Integration for vimspector
- telescope-fzf-writer.nvim - Incorporating some fzf concepts with plenary jobs and telescope
- telescope-symbols.nvim - Picking symbols and insert them at point.
Extensions can be refenced by doing the following:
-- Run the `configurations` picker from nvim-dap (not yet implemented)
To pre-load an extension (so that it will override default configurations), you can do:
-- This will load fzy_native and have it override the default file sorter
-- lua/telescope/finders.lua
entry_maker = function(line) end,
fn_command = function() { command = "", args = { "ls-files" } } end,
static = false,
maximum_results = false
This section is an overview of how custom pickers can be created any configured.
-- lua/telescope/pickers.lua
prompt_title = "", -- REQUIRED
finder = FUNCTION, -- see lua/telescope/finder.lua
sorter = FUNCTION, -- see lua/telescope/sorter.lua
previewer = FUNCTION, -- see lua/telescope/previewer.lua
selection_strategy = "reset", -- follow, reset, row
border = {},
borderchars = {"─", "│", "─", "│", "┌", "┐", "┘", "└"},
preview_cutoff = 120,
default_selection_index = 1, -- Change the index of the initial selection row
To override only some of the default mappings, you can use the
key in the setup
table. For example:
function my_custom_picker(results), {
prompt_title = 'Custom Picker',
finder = finders.new_table(results),
sorter = sorters.fuzzy_with_index_bias(),
attach_mappings = function(_, map)
-- Map "<CR>" in insert mode to the funciton, actions.set_command_line
map('i', '<CR>', actions.set_command_line)
return true
- 0 <= number < 1:
- This means total height as a percentage
- 1 <= number:
- This means total height as a fixed number
- function(picker, columns, lines):
- returns one of the above options
return max.min(110, max_rows * .5)
layout_strategies.horizontal = function(self, max_columns, max_lines)
local layout_config = validate_layout_config(self.layout_config or {}, {
width_padding = "How many cells to pad the width",
height_padding = "How many cells to pad the height",
preview_width = "(Resolvable): Determine preview width",
All telescope.nvim
functions are wrapped in vim
commands for easy access, its
supports tab completions and settings options.
" Tab completion
:Telescope |<tab>
:Telescope find_files
" Setting options
:Telescope find_files prompt_prefix=🔍
" If option is table type in lua code ,you can use `,` connect each command string eg:
" find_command,vimgrep_arguments they are both table type. so config it in commandline like
:Telescope find_files find_command=rg,--ignore,--hidden,--files prompt_prefix=🔍
All options available from the setup function (see Configuration options) and some other functions can be easily changed in custom pickers or built-in functions.
-- Disable preview for find files
nnoremap <leader>ff :lua require('telescope.builtin').find_files({previewer = false})<CR>
-- Change change prompt prefix for find_files builtin function:
nnoremap <leader>fg :lua require('telescope.builtin').live_grep({ prompt_prefix=🔍 })<CR>
nnoremap <leader>fg :Telescope live_grep prompt_prefix=🔍<CR>
There are 10 highlights group you can play around with in order to meet your needs:
highlight TelescopeSelection guifg=#D79921 gui=bold " selected item
highlight TelescopeSelectionCaret guifg=#CC241D " selection caret
highlight TelescopeMultiSelection guifg=#928374 " multisections
highlight TelescopeNormal guibg=#00000 " floating windows created by telescope.
" Border highlight groups.
highlight TelescopeBorder guifg=#ffffff
highlight TelescopePromptBorder guifg=#ffffff
highlight TelescopeResultsBorder guifg=#ffffff
highlight TelescopePreviewBorder guifg=#ffffff
" Used for highlighting characters that you match.
highlight TelescopeMatching guifg=blue
" Used for the prompt prefix
highlight TelescopePromptPrefix guifg=red
To checkout the default values of the highlight groups, checkout plugin/telescope.vim
is the prompt Filetype. You can customize the Filetype as you would normally.
All contributions are welcome! Just open a pull request.
When approved,
changes in the user interface and new built-in functions
will need to be reflected in the documentation and in