
Add proxy flag

SharokhAtaie opened this issue · 10 comments

Please add a proxy flag so that we can proxy requests to a SOCKS or something similar.

Hey @SharokhAtaie,

I need to research on that. Give me some time 💯

I've tried my best to implement proxy feature. I'm not getting my hands off...

Do you have any comment @MrFixThis , probably some idea to implement proxy?

You can read this tool and find some information about proxy.

in this tool use -x flag for proxy mode.

Seems promising :D

Greetings guys.
@pwnwriter let me do a little research first, please.
Once I'll get the concept, I'll write some code.

Less gooo

hey @pwnwriter
Are you planning to write own proxy server?

Hello @ssddOnTop ,
I'm not sure, swamped with uni work, might not be able to. If someone from the community can resolve the issue, I'm good to merge the PR. 🦄

I'm closing this issue since i haven't get any solution on this. Sorry wooopsie :(

@pwnwriter I have a solution, I tried a few things but looks like there's a problem with chromiumoxide dependency

however we can open chrome with command line args. You are already taking the path of chromium, you can simply remove the chromiumoxide dependency and use commandline args like:
chromium-browser --headless --screenshot="screenshot.png" --window-size=1920,1080 ""

you get more flexibility and can use arguments like--disable-gpu to make it more compatible