
Why three sources when only two?

AdelleBernal opened this issue · 2 comments

When computing TE between just two arrays, I get this:

####### analysing target with index 1 from list [0, 1]

Target: 1 - testing sources [0]

---------------------------- (1) include target candidates
candidate set: [(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)]

What does (1,3) mean?

Hello, the candidate set shown is a list of potentially informative variables in the past of the target. Each variable is described by a process id and a time lag, in your case (1, 3) indicates the variable in process 1 (the target) with a lag of 3 time steps, relative to the current value (the point in time in the target process, into which information is potentially transferred).
In case, you haven't had a look yet, the wiki contains more information on how the algorithm works, e.g., an overview and a short theoretical introduction.

I will close this issue as it does not concern a problem with the code. If you have further questions on how to use IDTxl, please refer to the google mailing list. Thanks!