
Draw pipeline diagrams for pipen.

Primary LanguagePython


Draw pipeline diagrams for pipen.


  • Diagram theming
  • Hiding processes from diagram


  • diagram_theme: The name of the theme to use, or a dict of a custom theme.
  • diagram_savedot: Whhether to save the dot file (for debugging purpose)
  • diagram_hide: Process-level item, whether to hide current process from the diagram


pip install -U pipen-diagram

Enabling/Disabling the plugin

The plugin is registered via entrypoints. It's by default enabled. To disable it: plugins=[..., "no:diagram"], or uninstall this plugin.



from pipen import Proc, Pipen, ProcGroup

class A(Proc):
    """Process A"""
    input = "a"

class B(Proc):
    """Process B"""
    requires = A
    input = "b"
    plugin_opts = {"diagram_hide": True}

class PG(ProcGroup):
    """Process Group"""
    def c(self):
        """Process C"""
        class C(Proc):
            input = "c"

        return C

    def c1(self):
        """Process C1"""
        class C1(Proc):
            requires = self.c
            input = "c1"
            plugin_opts = {"diagram_hide": True}

        return C1

    def d(self):
        """Process D"""
        class D(Proc):
            input = "d"
            requires = self.c1

        return D

pg = PG()
pg.c.requires = B

class E(Proc):
    """Process E"""
    input = "e1,e2"
    requires = pg.d, A

class F(Proc):
    """Process F"""
    input = "f"
    requires = E

# Dark theme
# Pipen("MyPipeline", plugin_opts={"diagram_theme": "dark"}).set_start(A).run()

Running python example.py will generate MyPipeline-output/diagram.svg:

Default theme Dark theme Fancy theme Fancy dark theme
diagram diagram_dark diagram_fancy diagram_fancy_dark