
"Program" is deprecated: now they are called "shows"

Closed this issue · 5 comments

trvbr commented

Programs in Creek are now called Shows. I was reluctant to call them this originally, since "show" is commonly used in various programming contexts, and it's kind of a debate in radio about what they should be called (programs vs shows). But "Shows" is shorter, and doesn't suggest "software" for people who are outside of the radio industry and who are trying to get into Creek. Generally I want Creek to be more like Twitter than some kind of obscure radio platform. Therefore: shows!

The API endpoints are still there -- like /api/programs -- but the documentation no longer mentions "programs" and the Creek control panel / admin interface itself no longer mentions programs.

Hopefully this is mostly just a find-and-replace operation. But I realize it may be more involved than that... Sorry :/

No worries I was actually wondering about this. Ill fix before release.

Problem with this is your api still calls them programs. If you want to change that you need to sync it up with an app update.

I have changed everywhere else except the gson pojo. The change will be 2 lines.

trvbr commented

Ok, I'll check the API. I thought I got most of the API references to "program" but I maybe there are some keys in there like "program_id".

For actual API endpoints, these work as well:

/schedule and /hosts I have not tried /host/{ID}