
Export queue fail

Closed this issue · 3 comments


i have a database queue setup in my laravel app. When I try to export a bulk action it works without any problem, but when I try to queue an export the job always fails.

Here is my Action on my table.


And here the failed job: (AppendQueryToSheet)

2023-09-10 19:01:10 Maatwebsite\Excel\Jobs\QueueExport ....................................................................... RUNNING
  2023-09-10 19:01:10 Maatwebsite\Excel\Jobs\QueueExport .................................................................. 82.07ms DONE
  2023-09-10 19:01:10 Maatwebsite\Excel\Jobs\AppendQueryToSheet ................................................................ RUNNING
  2023-09-10 19:01:10 Maatwebsite\Excel\Jobs\AppendQueryToSheet ........................................................... 30.96ms FAIL

Any idea whats wrong?

pxlrbt commented

No idea, without more information:

  • What's the Filament version?
  • What's the full exception in the error log?
  • What's your table column schema?

Thanks for the response. Today it just works... Maybe it was just my environment... Sail down, Sail up :-)

pxlrbt commented

Nice. Those are my favourite issues. Maybe you changed code and forgot to restart the queue?