
How to add custom column?

Umar-Farooq-Shafi opened this issue · 6 comments

I want to add some custom columns in the export. e.g

    public function setUp(): void
            $types = Option::query()
                ->where('type', OPTION_TYPE::EMT_PROCEDURE())

            foreach ($types as $type) {
                $columns[] = Column::make($type->name)
                    ->formatStateUsing(function (Model $record) use ($type) {
                        if (str_contains($record->procedure, $type->name)) {
                            return '1';

                        return '0';

pxlrbt commented

And what's the issue? Maybe you need ->getStateUsing() instead of ->formatStateUsing()

@Umar-Farooq-Shafi Did you find solution?

pxlrbt commented

@talhachughtai123 Did you try the proposed solution?!

yes, thanks for the help. @pxlrbt

Please tell me the solution

And what's the issue? Maybe you need ->getStateUsing() instead of ->formatStateUsing()

as @pxlrbt suggested.