
debug.log is beeing flooded [with unhelpful messages]

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My debug.log is being filled with messages from this plugin which I think shouldn't be the case. Messages I encountered so far:

  1. CF7 to Cleverreach CF7 to Cleverreach:Forbidden: email not allowed
  2. CF7 to Cleverreach CF7 to Cleverreach:Forbidden: Client not found
  3. CF7 to Cleverreach CF7 to Cleverreach:Not Found: Version 2 is not supported
  4. CF7 to Cleverreach No valid JSON

These are not helpful at all.
If you must output an error, please format them correctly, this looks messy and is not working with my RegEx to Extract error messages

[19-Nov-2019 11:33:04 Europe/Berlin] [2019-11-19 11:33:04] ERROR CF7 to Cleverreach CF7 to Cleverreach:Forbidden: email not allowed

Additionally, I do not know which E-Mail is not allowed. I am getting hundreds of these errors a day and I have little clue how to counter it.

The current logging was mainly implemented for personal debugging during development. I'm planning a better logging/notification system, which will also be helpful for the user of the plugin.

@jayhybrid Version 2.3 is now using monolog for logging and writing to a seperate log file.