
HTML blockquotes are not indented

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
HTML blockquotes are not indented and as a consequence nested blockquotes are not indented.

Minimal code

from fpdf import FPDF

pdf = FPDF()
pdf.write_html("before<blockquote>level 1</blockquote>after")
pdf.write_html("before<blockquote>level 1<blockquote>level 2</blockquote></blockquote>after")

Please provide the following information:

  • Operating System: Windows
  • Python version: 3.11.3
  • fpdf2 version used: 2.7.7

Hi @dmail00

As the default HTML <blockquote> is usually rendered with a default margin-left: 40px,
we could indeed handle some left margin for thos elements.

Interestingly, the code the renders <bloquote> tags already as some kind of "indent" logic:
But I don't think it ever worked...

@dmail00: would you like to contribute a PR to implement this?

@gmischler: do you think that this kind of indent should be handled by paragraphs / text regions?

@gmischler: do you think that this kind of indent should be handled by paragraphs / text regions?

Yes, as in #1073, giving Paragraph()s an indent option would probably be the cleanest solution here.

A first implementation of this feature will be added by PR #1124

Closing this now that PR #1124 has been released: