
Translate the one-page tutorial in your language!

Lucas-C opened this issue · 44 comments

The tutorial is a simple Markdown document:

It is currently available in several languages, listed in the README and the documentation index page.

PRs are very welcome to add new translations!
PR authors will be added to the contributors list & map.


  • open a Pull Request that creates or modifies the corresponding docs/ file, taking inspiration from docs/ (where xy is the ISO_639-1 language code)
  • if you created a new file, add a reference to it in docs/, mkdocs.yml, and, taking inspiration from the references to existing translated tutorials

Hey, I want to work on this issue. I will translate this tutorial in Hindi(हिंदी)

Awesome! Thank you @Mridulbirla13 😊

If you need any help, on fpdf2 or how to submit a PR, ask you your questions here!

Hi, I can take care of the French translation if you want :)

@Tititesouris : chouette !
Je procrastine à faire la trad depuis des mois ^^
Avec plaisir !

I can provide a German translation.

Great! Go ahead 😉

Hey @Lucas-C, vu la quantité de travail, mon temps limité et le fait que Hacktoberfest arrive bientôt à son terme, est-ce que ça te dérange si je te fais une première PR avec le tuto 1 (tu peux du coup déjà me faire un retour sur la qualité), et une autre PR d'ici le 30 avec au moins les tutos 2 & 3 ?
Dans tous les cas je te traduis l'entièreté d'ici la mi-novembre 😉

Aucun problème, fais ça au rythme que tu veux !

The tutorial is a simple Markdown document:

It is currently available in English, Français, Deutsch, Hindi, Italian, Portugese, Russian & Spanish.

PRs are very welcome to add new translations!

Hey! I can provide a Telugu translation for this.

@yellkrishna That would be wonderful!
Thank you for volunteering 🙏❤️

Hi! I want to translate in Tamil please.

Hi and welcome @bcronald !
That would be great 😊
Do you need guidance on how to proceed, or do you already know how to submit a PR?

By the way @yellkrishna & @bcronald: have you checked that fpdf2 can render text in those languages?
I'm curious because we have already faced limitations with Hindi: #365

Hi and welcome @bcronald ! That would be great blush Do you need guidance on how to proceed, or do you already know how to submit a PR?

Thanks. Yes please, guidance would be nice. Sorry for the late reply.

By the way @yellkrishna & @bcronald: have you checked that fpdf2 can render text in those languages? I'm curious because we have already faced limitations with Hindi: #365

No, not yet checked in Tamil. I will do that and post result.

By the way @yellkrishna & @bcronald: have you checked that fpdf2 can render text in those languages? I'm curious because we have already faced limitations with Hindi: #365

No, not yet checked in Tamil. I will do that and post result.

Tamil is not being rendered correctly.

from fpdf import FPDF

pdf = FPDF()
pdf.add_font('lohit-taml', fname='/usr/share/fonts/truetype/lohit-tamil/Lohit-Tamil.ttf')
pdf.set_font('lohit-taml', size=18)
pdf.write(8, u'யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர்')

Attached the resulting pdf below:

Tamil is not being rendered correctly.

It's a pity 😔 Thanks for testing @bcronald.
I don't know Tamil: is the problem with ligatures, like for Hindi text, or is there a different issue here?

is the problem with ligatures, like for Hindi text, or is there a different issue here?

Yes, it is the same problem as here global-healthy-liveable-cities/global_scorecards#7
When the text is selected and copied from the pdf and pasted into text editor (I am on Ubuntu 20.04) it apperars correctly, wheras in the pdf, the components of a complex character are either not arranged in the correct sequence or not attached together with main character.

Hi, I can provide a Greek translation.

Hi and welcome @bcronald ! That would be great blush Do you need guidance on how to proceed, or do you already know how to submit a PR?

Thanks. Yes please, guidance would be nice. Sorry for the late reply.

I suggest to read the following documentation on how to submit a contribution:

Once you will be familiar with the basic concepts of git & GitHub,
you can copy the file docs/ in a file docs/ and perform the translation. Then submit a Pull Request containing this file.

Hi, I can provide a Greek translation.

That would be awesome @sokratisvas , great!

Do you need any more information or guidance?

I can provide Urdu Translation :)

Hi and welcome @Dani-Google!

That would be awesome 😊

You are very welcome to submit a Pull Request of a new docs/ file!

Ok, thanks :)

@Lucas-C Hi there, I can try a Kannada language translation, will check if its rendered properly. Is that okay?

@Lucas-C Hi there, I can try a Kannada language translation, will check if its rendered properly. Is that okay?

That is more than OK, you are very welcome to do so @SmritiSatyan! 😊

Hi, I can start working on hebrew translation

Hi, I can start working on hebrew translation

That would be great, thank you @TzviGreenfeld 😊

Hey there! I want to finish the French translation.

Hey! I would love to work on Turkish translation.

Hey! I would love to work on Turkish translation.

Nice! Go on, you are very welcome do do so @ethmtrgt 😊

Re-opening this: I just now realize that I closed the issue in October 🤭😅

We would still welcome new translations though!

Need Simplified Chinese translation? I think I can get the main parts translated, but maybe not every page of the doc.

Yes, such translation of the tutorial would be welcome @Bubbu0129!

Even if you only translate one or two of the 6 sections of the tutorial, a PR would be welcome as a starting point!

Hello, @Lucas-C I would like to work on Bengali Translation. Can I do that?
If yes then a Quick Question - I need to translate this file. Am I right?

Hello, @Lucas-C I would like to work on Bengali Translation. Can I do that?

Wonderful! Yes, please do so!

then a Quick Question - I need to translate this file. Am I right?

Exactly 😊
You can take inspiration from the previous PRs,
like this one that introduced a Russian translation: #283

Note to all translators: with the introduction of the new FPDF.table() method,
the section 5 of the tutorial is now obsolote and was removed from all tutorials.

Contributions are welcome to translate the new section 5 ( from English to one of those languages:

The tutorial is a simple Markdown document:

It is currently available in several languages, listed in the README and the documentation index page.

PRs are very welcome to add new translations! PR authors will be added to the contributors list & map.


  • open a Pull Request that creates or modifies the corresponding docs/ file, taking inspiration from docs/ (where xy is the ISO_639-1 language code)
  • if you created a new file, add a reference to it in docs/, mkdocs.yml, and, taking inspiration from the references to existing translated tutorials

I have committed a file in FPDF/docs/ is Khmer language tutorial, but today still unavailable . How to check next flow?

I have committed a file in FPDF/docs/ is Khmer language tutorial, but today still unavailable . How to check next flow?

Hi @kuth-chi!

I see that you have added a commit on branch patch-1 of your fork there:

What you need now is to open a Pull Request againt this repository,,
so that I can then review your contribution, and merge it.

This guide explains how to submit a Pull Request in details:

Thank you ,

Note to all translators:

Contributions are welcome to translate the new sections 4 and 5 from English or German to one of those languages:
Calling out to previous translators of each language! (Anyone else is of course also invited.)

hey @gmischler, I've updated the Hebrew tutorial at #978.
just not sure if this requires a changelog update or anything else. let me know please

hey @gmischler, I've updated the Hebrew tutorial at #978.
just not sure if this requires a changelog update or anything else. let me know please

Cool, thanks!
I only see changelog entries for full new tutorial translations, so I guess it's not required here...

Leave the Dutch to me. Not that they need it as Dutch IT dudes English is more than sufficient! But this will be only my second contribution ever, so it's a nice starter for using git. It will also help improve my Dutch which i am learning. Don't worry i will have a native speaker cast an eye over it before i publish

Leave the Dutch to me.

Thanks for the offer, @Polderrider!
Just go right ahead and create a PR.