
javaaccessbridge.dll error

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Hello, when I try to run the code in Thonny, I get the following error:

Java exception thrown by Sketch.runSketch:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Users\autoa\AppData\Roaming\Thonny\jdk-17\bin\javaaccessbridge.dll: Can't find dependent libraries

Why could this error be happening?
Thank you very much in advance.

hx2A commented

Hi, @robotita !

Can you check your computer and see if that dll file exists in that directory?

I am guessing this has something to do with your JDK install. Can you tell us how you setup Thonny with py5? It could be the JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set correctly.

@villares , have you seen this error before?

@villares , have you seen this error before?

Someone at my Domestika coures mentioned it, I "saw it" today for the first time! it could have been @robotita, maybe?
I'll keep an eye on this.

Thank you for the prompt response ! : )
Yes, the dll exists and the JAVA_HOME path seems to be correct (I also tried routing it to my Java folder but it gives me the same error).


I'm so sorry you are having this trouble.

May I ask, is this a "pre-configured portable Thonny with py5 in a zip" I recommend on my instructions? Or have you installed a fresh Thonny IDE from and then installed py5 and then the py5 thonny-py5mode plug-in?

Could you test the "other" option?

Yes, it happens on both, it's probably something with my operating system, right?
Thanks a lot for your response.
I'll keep trying to see if I manage to get it to work : )


hx2A commented

@robotita , you got it to work?

yesss ✧⁺⸜( •‿• )⸝⁺✧
I tried so many things that I'm not sure what worked, but I deleted all the versions of Java I had and reinstalled Java (I suppose that was it) and also installed py5.
thanks for all!

hx2A commented

@robotita , your persistence paid off. Good job!