Please more examples!

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi! Your project seems really great, however more examples would be appreciated!
There is no free software for designing a pulse compressor using a pair of gratings. Such an example would boost the popularity of your code!

Hi @gcailloux!

You are right, PyNLO does need better examples and documentation. If you can develop a nice example for the grating compressor design functions, we would be happy to incorporate it, and I'm sure people would find it useful.

@ycasg probably has some better code, but here is the code that I used a few years ago when designing a grating compressor with 940 lines/mm gratings for 1550 nm light:

It makes a plot of the GDD and TOD as a function of grating separation. Also, it plots how much the TOD will broaden pulses of various duration. Probably not exactly what you are looking for, but perhaps a start until you make something better :)

compressor gdd and tod
effect of tod