
Upgrade Django version to 2.2.7

Opened this issue · 9 comments

The current Django version == 1.11.3 which is incompatible with python 3.7 . Upgrade the Django version in the requirements.txt file to 2.2.7 and verify all tests are passing and the app builds properly.

I am working on this!

OK, thank you. I was about to start working on it.
Please make note of the incoming pull request from me. :)

Can we get an update of this item?
If you are not able to complete it please let me know. I'll take ownership of it.

Hey, I was waiting for your PR to merged in as you noted above. I can go ahead and make a PR for the repository as it stands (without your PR pulled in) if you prefer that.

Let's wait till the PR gets merged. It's simpler all around.
Do you have a link to a repo with the changes?
Im writing new code and that would help keep things in line :)

Sounds good!
I'll comment with a link by tomorrow.


I've decided to leave podium alone and create a different django app.

I'm going to reuse most of the code I wrote (aside for updating it to the newer django version).
I do not want to waste your efforts. What should we do to avoid that? I'm not merging the code I wrote into Podium. Could you push your code to a different repo and I can copy from it? LMK! :)

@pabloriveracelerity Sounds good! All I've done is change the requirements.txt file so the dependencies work with Django 2.2.7 and the runserver builds. I didn't change any of the url paths or anything else like that. Please see below:


Should I open a PR with these changes for Podium (excluding your PR)?