

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Since we're going to use SQLAlchemy, should we just go ahead and use the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension? is that going to mess us up at all?

I think that should work fine. I've not used it yet myself but I imagine it adds a few nice features for integrating the two.

I've done a little with similar extensions like Flask-WTF and Flask-RESTful and had no issues there.

Just don't forget to update requirements.txt when you add dependencies!

okay, so i'm looking into DB stuff, and we're gonna need sql migrations, which sqlalchemy doesn't handle.

but seeing as how it's python, someone has already fixed that, which will mean a few more packages and how to handle the actual migration process.

I'm saying all of that right, correct?

Correct on all accounts. I haven't had time to deep-dive, but I did come across this, which looked pretty promising:

cool. Working on login stuff now.