
Promo video concept

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Talk to Mike about incorporating certain ideas we have of the general concept

  • One idea would to have short interviews with members present during event and ask them what they think about Pyatl, what do they like about pyatl, etc
  • Footage of lighting talks,
    • maybe showcasing how low friction it is to give one
    • the topic that was covered in the lighting talk
  • Footage of the main talk(s)
  • Meet and greet time (Cheers, a place where everybody knows your name?)
  • Hanging out over a tasty meal
  • highlight Manuel's Tavern facilities. Transition from small entrance to big room
  • Include bit of people looking for their next opportunity or those looking to hire great talent

a minute into this video has a similar concept (aside form the comedy)

Shared issue with Mike and he supported it.

Spoke to Mike yesterday.
Video is in progress.